Monday, June 24, 2013

Two More in Oshkosh

I was remiss in not mentioning in earlier posts, two Oshkosh residences designed by Mr. Waters.  The first was a dwelling built for William A. Rideout, son of  W. K. Rideout, both prominent men of business, the latter president of the Thompson Carriage Co. and the former a lumberman.  
In 1889 the younger Mr. Rideout selected a lot on what was then called West Algoma Avenue next to the house built by former Governor Coles  Bashford.  For his architect he chose William Waters.  Mr. Waters planned a large Queen Anne Style structure of a simple arrangement.  To the left on the first floor was the front door accessed by a small porch.  Above the porch on the second floor were two small windows, to the right was a bay window which ascended from the ground to the second floor. The projecting gable was supported on either end by large ornate brackets and in the gable was an arch and railing that formed a small balcony with a door from the attic.  Along the right side of the first floor was sizable porch which adjoined a cross portion of the house.  The back part of the house held the dining room, kitchen and pantry and the second floor was given over to bed chambers and a bathroom.  Over the years very few changes were made to the house and it appears much as it did when built.  

The other neglected house was that of  Julius Due, a painter and decorator.  His house on Fulton Avenue was built in 1905, a set of blueprint baring the name William Waters, architect were found in the house during an improvement project.  The dwelling presented as a compact well proportioned Dutch Colonial style cottage with a transverse layout.  An enclosed front porch ran the width of the house, above which rose the roof.  The long slope of the roof was broken by a gambrel roofed dormer at the center which held two windows some small distance apart tied together by a lintel decorated with a festoon.  Above, in the very peak of the gable was a long narrow window.  The first floor was sided with clapboards and the floor above was clad with shingles. There were no external changes, leaving the house as it was in 1905.

1 comment:

  1. The house on Fulton was my grandparents home for 40 years! So happy you found it. It is one of my favorite homes!
